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Max-Biodiesel -

Private Co-operative Max-Biodiesel Club Production Equipment

Test Fuel Survey

Test Fuel Agreement

Commerce & E-Transfer - private investing - contribute - order - join

Larry Selke - With a University of Guelph, B.Sc in agriculture, microbiology and keen interest in organic chemistry, in particular, soil science. Also, with a real scientific approach that is in depth and comprehensive where attention to detail is an asset, while going forward with solid plans and action for high energy clean fuel production and testing.

The project is an opportunity to be pro-active in specific fields of interest, reducing pollution and more continuing involvement in fuel logistics, as well as working with people to expand the knowledge and skills base of making fuel in a local, regional or national environment.

The excellent advantage of a private member co-operative association, having fuel in trust and not being a retail operation saves money and time to focus on the mission. The Max-Biodiesel Production Equipment endeavour enables the development and expansion of the secure supply chain with more people involved, as the saying goes, many hands make light work, sharing the expertise in people with common interests and goals.

Larry enjoys gardening, geology, outdoor adventure and exploration, private and public investing. He is also part of a Remineralization Project that involves rock dust mineral production, soil science and live soil production with use of the micro fine rock dust, and the related aspects of PH soil acidity alkalinity, integrated with the rotory composter device and even including a worm grow op to create extremely vibrant and mineral rich soil that can be utilized in home gardens as well as farms.

Mineral rich soil is useful for those who prefer to reduce or eliminate all pesticides and toxic chemicals and practice sustainable agriculture and ethical soil mangement in addition to having a great quality and taste of food products. Rebuilding soil in any area, either in an ordinary way, organic or even bio-dynamic farming can all benefit from the Remineralization Project. The rock remineralization project also helps livestock and people as modern farming practices have resulted in soil cover loss and a very demineralized and devitalized soil and food continuum.

Combining the Max-Biodiesel Project and the Remineralization Project offers a great opportunity to make a pro-active and beneficial difference for people and the quality of life.

En route : Remineralization Project Link & Blog